I have spent way to much time on a sunny Sunday afternoon browsing blogs. I'm wondering how I will ever get a handle on keeping up with the blogs I really like, taking time to post valuable comments and being able to go back to the blogs I really like to read. I hope I'll learn that soon.
The Cool Cat Teacher Blog @ http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/
I posted comments on several of her postings. I LLLOOVVVEEE this blog.
TLC = Tech + LIbrary + Classroom @ http://techlibraryclassroom.blogspot.com/2010/04/celebrating-characters-we-love.html
I commented on the Percy Jackson day they had on May 14th.
This is our 5th grade PTL grant blog. I commented on their post about the 5th grade legacy project - a video history of the school.
This is my librarian's blog about finishing the 23 Things.