Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tool # 10 iPhone, iTouch...etc.

I can't even begin to play on this right now because EVERY time I start to investigate apps I look up and discover that hours have gone by. I have an iphone and use apps all the time. The ones I've discovered this summer that I think are going to be used immediately are Dragon Dictation. This app requires a microphone (and we have some). Students speak into the app and it 'writes' and reads back to them what they have said. We played with it at the principal balanced literacy meeting and loved how easy and accurate it was.

Any of the Brain Games are great. I also love the Word Puzzle games - word warp, words with friends, etc for the older kids. This would be great work station activities.

Implications for instruction are limitless. Yes - if you can think it - there is an app for that! My goal this year is going to be to figure out how to link my iTouch/iPhone with more than one computer and learn how to organize the apps through iTunes to make them easy to find.

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